HR Support

Addressing Human Resource requests and inquiries is critical to the overall morale and productivity of an organization, and we understand they must be addressed promptly. Column’s feature-rich HR Case Management application handles requests and inquiries quickly by tracking requests and providing self-help through a robust knowledge base. If self-help does not have a solution, the request will be given to an agent who will be able to swiftly complete the request.

Our application also allows your leadership to utilize features like the Service Request Module. The Solutions Module makes workflows more efficient by automating and tracking every request and interaction. Column Case manages the complete life cycle of a request. E-forms help virtualize paperwork by creating an electronic copy of the form and mapping the information to automatically fill them out.

Lastly, the surveys ensure that the end-user is satisfied with their experience, notifying managers if they are not. Milestones can be configured to ensure requests stay on track and are delivered consistently further increasing end-user satisfaction. Every aspect of Column HR is configurable meaning, the only limit to our solution is your imagination!